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Lesson 2 - Deploy the Smart Contract


To deploy the application we will need to:

  1. Create a package for our smart contract.
  2. Import the seed phrase for your account.
  3. Write a script that uses the Scaf framework to build the package and deploy it.

Step 1 - Create a Sui Move Package

From the main directory you can create a new package by running:

sui move new PACKAGE_NAME

so in this case, we created a new package by running

sui move new lesson_2

If the sui CLI is not installed yet, you will need to install it for building the application. To install the SUI CLI.

Step 2 - Account Seed

Smart contracts on the Sui blockchain are deployed by accounts that are characterized by a seed phrase. You should create a .env file on your local directory.

Add the following on the .env file:


The SCHEMA is either Ed25519Keypair’, ‘Secp256k1Keypair’, or ‘Secp256r1Keypair’.

Step 3 - Write a Deployment Script

We will use JavaScript to build and deploy the Sui smart contract we wrote in Step 1.

The first step is to load the seed phrase and create an “account” object

const deployerAccount = getAccount(process.env.SEED, process.env.SCHEMA);
console.log('> Account Address:', deployerAccount.address);

And then we can build and publish the package in one step:

const packagesDir = getPackagesPathRelativeToDir(__dirname);
const publishedPackage = await buildAndPublishPackage(deployerAccount, 'lesson_1', packagesDir);
console.log('> Package ID:', publishedPackage.packageId);

We would like to deploy the new application in a local network which we can spin in a very simple way by adding the following at the begging of our script:

// Setup a local network for this project only
const net = Network.getNetwork();
// comment out net.resetNetwork() to preserve the state of the network across runs

So all the whole script will look like:

const {
} = require('@codlabs/scaf');
async function main() {
// Setup a local network for this project only
const net = Network.getNetwork();
// comment out net.resetNetwork() to preserve the state of the network across runs
await net.waitUntilNetworkRuns();
const deployerAccount = getAccount(process.env.SEED, process.env.SCHEMA);
console.log('Account Address:', deployerAccount.address);
/// Step 1: Publish the package
const packagesDir = getPackagesPathRelativeToDir(__dirname);
const publishedPackage = await buildAndPublishPackage(deployerAccount, 'lesson_1', packagesDir);
console.log('> Package ID:', publishedPackage.packageId);
/// Step 2: Show Object Ownership
await showOwnership(deployerAccount.address);
`> Explore transaction at:${deployerAccount.address}?network=local`,
console.log('> Press Ctr+C to exit and stop the local Sui network');
// Commented out so the Node process doesn't exit; allows inspecting the
// network through the Sui explorer
// net.stopNetwork();
main().catch((error) => console.error(error));

You can find it under ./scripts/lesson_2.js and you can run it. Then click on the URL that will open a webpage with the deployment transaction we just executed.